& get the best patient outcomes
Around 80% of all Osteopath businesses FAIL within the first 2 years of setting up their business & there are 3 key reasons why that happens;
1. Not enough New Patients coming through your doors
2. Not able to convert the patients into care plans who do make it in front of you
3. The few that do start treatment never see it through till the end
How to effectively
market yourself and your practice using lots of different mediums
How you should be talking to your patients on each visit
to make sure you get them to understand the value of the care you give and why they need to follow your recommendations
Help get your brain into the right gear it needs to be
by going through some of the most influential ideas on a healthy mindset and helping you get the bigger idea of your purpose
Clinic Procedures
The daily running of a clinic
can be a minefield, here we guide you through some of the steps to speed up processes, to tighten up what you already do well and make sure that the clinic and the patient have a pleasant, flowing journey

Hi, I’m John, founder of Osteopathy Success. I started in the world of private healthcare in 2013 and have employed, trained and mentored a bunch of great Osteopaths in my time, and one thing I noticed was how passionate they were about helping people but also how little they had been prepared at college/Uni to be in the dog eat dog world of business. Having chatted with one of the Osteo’s I employed he mentioned I should teach more people this, and I’ve had other osteopaths reach out to me asking for my help too.
This is exactly why I have set up Osteopathy Success, I know more people could benefit from osteopaths, we just need to make sure that as a business, it is viable and profitable.
John Ryle
What would it be like for you if with the next few clicks you could have a profitable, busy clinic where money wasn't your biggest worry and you became the best Osteopath you can be and serve the people of your community? If that's you click the button to get started NOW

100% satisfaction guarantee
You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If you don't get the great results we know you can get and increase your profits by more than what you are spending here, you can cancel your membership at any time without any penalties!
How long does the training last?
I’ve designed this to be a 24 module (month) course, covering everything from marketing, mindset, procedures and bonus features throughout the months too
If I sign up, can I cancel at any time?
Yes, if you aren’t finding the value in the training anymore, I’m not going to tie you in at any point, you are free to leave at any time.
Can I buy all the training at once?
No, this is a progressive training module, and if you start at the end and don’t go through the processes I show you, then yo could miss out on the vital ‘why we do that’ in certain areas. Being in business is a marathon and not a sprint, you need to take time to assimilate all the information and use it as you see best.
Do you do live training
I will be, I will be aiming to do 3 live events a year around the UK, north, midlands and south at some point. If you like us on Facebook then you can see when we do our live events.
I also will be doing ‘intensive’ training camps. The premise being we gather 5-6 like minded business people a few times throughout the year and head off to somewhere magical (hot & sunny!) and really focus on getting you in the best position to be in business for the rest of your life.
How much does it cost?
Its really simple
If you just want to dip your toes in and try the first module, it is just £1.
If you want to do the training but have no interest in personal mentoring, thats £47 per month.
If you want to have all the training and mentoring from me, it is £100 per month
What does the mentoring involve?
We will schedule a time (3 weeks out of every 4), to go over your clinic numbers, your problems in practice (& how to solve them) and any other issues you have faced in the last week with action steps to follow. It takes around 30-45 minutes and it is incredibly focussed on getting the best results you can from your clinic